UPDATED: 3/23/2023
What Comes Up on a 5-Panel Drug Test?
A 5-panel drug test is a standardized drug screening process in which a sample of urine or saliva is analyzed for confirmation of any one of five controlled substances frequently abused. The 5-panel drug test is the best choice to start a drug test program because of its affordability, accuracy, and easy operation.
This drug test can detect the use of drugs of abuse (DOA) from 1 to 14+ days with the use of a urine sample, depending on the substance and other factors. Learn more about how this most common drug test works.
The Spectrum of a 5-Panel Drug Test
The most commonly used screening category for drugs of abuse is called the NIDA-5 (National Institute on Drug Abuse), now known as SAMSHA-5 (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Association). These five drugs of abuse are tested by a standard 5-panel drug test, which includes:
- Cocaine
- Amphetamines
- Opiates
- Marijuana (THC aka Tetrahydrocannabinol)
- Phencyclidine (PCP)
Cocaine (COC)
Cocaine is a powerful addictive stimulant drug derived from leaves of coca plants native to south America. It is a schedule 2 drug in the USA with the potential of physical and psychological dependence. Small amounts of cocaine usually make the user feel euphoric, energetic, talkative, mentally alert, and hypersensitive to sight, sound, and touch. It reduces mental capacity, and ability to focus and do a job efficiently.
Cocaine can be detected in urine for 2-3 days after use.
Amphetamines (AMP)
Different types of prescription amphetamines are prescribed primarily for use in Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD).
Amphetamines pose a substantial risk of dependence and deteriorating effect on behavior. Symptoms include agitation, anxiety, emotional lability, delusions and others. The 5-panel drug test screens for Amphetamines, including Adderall, Concerta, Ritalin, and Dexedrine.
Amphetamines can be detected in urine for 1-3 days after use.
Opiates (OPI)
Opiates are derived from the opium poppy plant and is primarily grown in southeast Asia. These plants are used to create illicit drugs like heroin as well as narcotic pain killer morphine. Illegal versions like opium and heroin are smoked, snorted, and injected for abuse. They have a strong potential for addiction and physical dependence. Effects of opiate use can include sedation, dizziness, nausea, constipation and respiratory depression. Heroin is a Schedule 1 drug in the USA and has no medical use. As with other drugs of abuse, use of opiates can be life threatening.
Opiates can be detected in urine for 2-3 days after use.
Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)
Tetrahydrocannabinol is derived from leaves and flowering parts of the cannabis plant, also known as marijuana. It is smoked or ingested orally for a sense of relaxation and euphoria. Its regular use may produce adverse cognitive effects on a chronic user. It can cause a lack of motivation and strong central nervous system depression.
The detection window for THC is a little bit more complex than the other drugs. Depending on the frequency of use, it can be detected for a variety of periods.
According to the study Clinical Interpretation of Urine Drug Tests, one single use can be detectable for up to 3 days. Moderate use of 4 times per week stays in urine for 5-7 days. A daily user will have a detection window of 10-15 days. Chronic heavy smokers have been known to extend their detection window for 30+ days.
Phencyclidine (PCP)
Phencyclidine, also known as angel dust, is an animal tranquilizer and is mostly manufactured in illegal labs or stolen from veterinary drug sources. This drug is known to cause some of the most dangerous behavior in users, and it is also very addictive. Its route of administration is smoking, snorting, and injection. Just a small dose can cause someone to suffer from hallucination, blurred eyesight, aggression, anxiety and paranoia; users often become violent or suicidal. Hence, it is dangerous in work environments and can cause extremely harmful effects.
PCP can be detected in urine for 7-14 days after use.
5-Panel Drug Test and Workplace Settings
Drug test programs are essential to maintain a clean and sober work environment. The use of illicit substances poses detrimental effects on mental health and cognition. The abusing individual is unable to focus and work properly, leading to low productivity and increased work errors. It makes the work environment unhealthy and risks the safety of other employees.
Drug test programs hold a person accountable and help promote a safe and productive workplace. A 5-panel drug test is often paired with a urine alcohol screening test because a simple 5-panel drug test doesn’t detect alcohol.
Does the 5-Panel Drug Test Always Screen for These Substances?
It is also important to note that there are different 5-panel drug tests on the market today. For example, some drug tests may test for Methamphetamine in place of PCP. DrugTestKitUSA has 18 different 5-panel drug test kits from various manufacturers.
The 5-panel drug test is ideal until a need comes up for a more comprehensive drug test which is able to detect other substances. Many drug test policies will introduce 10-panel and 12-panel drug test kits when they need to test more broadly to cover additional substances.
Drug Tests at Drug Test Kit USA
DrugTestKitUSA provides 5-Panel Drug Test Kits with various drug configurations to companies and organizations. Our kits are FDA-approved, easy to use and give up to 99% accurate results. We provide the best and most affordable single- and multi-panel drug test kits, alcohol screening test kits, and test kits for advanced testing as well.
DrugTestKitUSA is continuously working to improve its services and help out organizations in the fight against substance abuse to keep workplaces drug-free zones.