Substance Use at the Workplace

Substance Use at the Workplace

Substance Use at the Workplace

Workplace substance use is a risky road to productivity loss, safety hazards, and compromised professionalism. Drug testing at work is vital.

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The problem of drug abuse in the workplace is a serious one in the United States. According to survey results published on July 1, 2022, 22.5% of people admit to using drugs or alcohol during work hours. One in four men and one in five women admitted to using drugs or alcohol in their workplace. According to a survey conducted by SAMHSA, 8.6% of American workers reported using illegal drugs in the past month. As for the most common industry with illicit drug use within the past month, the accommodations and food services industry was leading with 19.1%.

Since 1971, America has spent over a trillion dollars enforcing its drug policy, according to research from the University of Pennsylvania. According to the White House, the national drug control budget has reached a historic level of 39 billion dollars in 2022. The

President’s 2023 Budget requests $42.5 billion for National Drug Control Program agencies, a $3.2 billion increase over the FY 2022. Even after significant effort and commitment of the US Government over the years, drug abuse is still on the rise and causes significant human and economic damage to businesses and organizations.

Problems Associated with Alcohol and Drug Abuse at the Workplace

Office worker drinking alcohol at the workplace

Current estimates for the year 2022 from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration indicate that 15.4% of all adult Americans struggle with a substance use disorder each year. This figure includes nearly 39 million people. Alcohol is by far the most abused substance, accounting for 10.2% of cases alone. Other substances include marijuana, prescription drugs, opioids, and stimulants. This high rate of drug use leads to a number of problems in the workplace, including:

  • Decreased productivity: Employees who use drugs may be less focused and motivated, leading to a decrease in productivity.
  • Increased absenteeism: Drug users are more likely to miss work because of drug effects, or because they need to take time off to buy or use drugs.
  • Higher rate of accidents and injuries: Drug use can impair a person’s ability to think clearly and make good decisions, which can lead to accidents and injuries on the job.
  • Hostile work environment: Employees who use drugs may behave erratically or aggressively, which can create a hostile work environment for their co-workers.
  • Higher healthcare costs: Employees who abuse drugs may require more medical treatment and have higher healthcare costs, which can impact a company’s healthcare affordability.
  • Lower morale: The presence of drug use in the workplace can lower morale among employees, who may feel uncomfortable or unsafe working alongside someone who is using drugs.
  • Reputational damage: Companies that are known to have a drug abuse problem may face negative publicity, which can harm their reputation and lead to a loss of business.

In the United States, drug abuse costs employers over $80 billion a year. Those costs are due to lost productivity, absenteeism, injuries, fatalities, theft, and low employee morale, as well as increased healthcare costs, greater risks of legal liability, and increased workers’ compensation costs.

Significance of Drug Testing Programs

To address the problem of drug abuse, many employers have implemented drug testing policies to screen for drug use among their employees. These policies can help to identify drug users and provide them with the support they need to overcome their addiction. Employers can also provide education and training to their employees on the dangers of drug use, and create a workplace culture that promotes healthy behaviors and discourages drug use.

Drug testing programs can also help to deter drug use among employees by making it known that drug testing is a part of the workplace policy, employers can discourage employees from using drugs and create a culture of substance-free work.

Benefits of Drug Testing

An estimated 40% of U.S. workers are asked to submit to a drug test as part of their hiring process. This is one of the major steps toward establishing a drug-free work environment. There are several potential benefits to drug testing, including:

  1. Improved safety in the workplace: Drug testing can help ensure that employees are not impaired by drugs or alcohol while on the job, which can help prevent accidents and injuries. According to a study, In the USA, over 10% of workplace injuries involve alcohol. Regular drug tests can prevent alcohol use during work hours, making the workplace safe for employees.
  2. Decrease absenteeism: By implementing drug testing, companies can identify employees who may be struggling with drug addiction and offer them resources for treatment and support. This can help reduce absenteeism and improve overall productivity in the workplace. In addition, the presence of a drug testing program may discourage employees from using drugs in the first place, as they may be more likely to fear getting caught and facing disciplinary action. According to a study posted by Occupational Health Center, a decrease of approximately 50% in employee absenteeism was reported in companies that implemented drug testing policies.
  3. Enhanced productivity: Employees who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol may not be able to perform their job duties effectively, which can negatively impact productivity. By testing for drugs, employers can identify and address any issues that may be impacting an employee’s performance. According to a study conducted by the Drug and Alcohol Testing Industry Association (DATIA) and The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 19% of the organizations reported that upon implementation of an employee drug testing program, the productivity of their employees increased.
  4. Reduced healthcare costs: Drug and alcohol abuse can lead to a variety of health problems, which can be costly for both the individual and their employer. Drug testing can help identify employees who may be struggling with substance abuse and provide them with the support they need to overcome their addiction, ultimately reducing healthcare costs. The Occupational Health Center also reported a 50% decrease in workers’ compensations in companies that had drug test programs in place.
  5. Compliance with legal requirements: In some cases, drug testing may be required by law, such as in industries that are regulated by the government or in certain jobs where drug use could be particularly dangerous (e.g. transportation, construction). By conducting drug tests, employers can ensure that they comply with these legal requirements.
  6. Improved public image: Drug testing can demonstrate to the public that an employer takes the issue of drug and alcohol abuse seriously and is committed to creating a safe and healthy work environment. This can help improve the company’s reputation and public image.
  7. Reduced insurance premiums: Some insurance companies offer lower premiums to companies that have implemented drug testing programs, as these programs can help reduce the risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace.
Drug test kits - a series of drug test cups with urine samples for workplace drug testing

How Are Drug Tests Conducted?

There are several ways that drug tests can be conducted, and the specific method used may depend on the purpose of the test and the substances being tested for. Some common methods for conducting drug tests include:

  • Urine testing
  • Saliva testing
  • Blood testing
  • Hair testing
  • Sweat analysis

Drug testing kits are tools that help conduct these tests through any of the above methods depending on the type of kit used. Drug tests are used to detect the presence of specific drugs in an individual’s system. These kits are often used in workplaces to deter employees from using drugs, as well as to identify employees who may be struggling with drug addiction.


Implementing a drug testing policy can be beneficial for businesses in several ways. For example, they can help reduce the risk of accidents or injuries on the job by ensuring that employees are not under the influence of drugs while at work. Some companies may require drug tests as a condition of employment, which can help them attract and retain high-quality employees.

Drug test kits and drug testing can help organizations maintain a safe and productive workplace, and support the health and well-being of their employees. Drug test kits are now available online.

DrugTestKitUSA provides products and services for onsite drug testing for companies looking to establish a safe and drug-free work environment. They provide fast, accurate, and easy-to-use drug test kits at reasonable prices throughout the US.  Drug test kits for both urine and saliva analysis are both offered, in a variety of easy-to-use formats.

Drug tests can be beneficial for businesses in several ways. For example, they can help reduce the risk of accidents or injuries on the job by ensuring that employees are not under the influence of drugs while at work. Drug tests can also improve employee productivity and morale by creating a drug-free workplace, and they can help protect a company’s reputation by demonstrating a commitment to safety and compliance with the law. Additionally, some companies may require drug tests as a condition of employment, which can help them attract and retain high-quality employees. Drug test kits are the tools used to conduct these tests in workplaces to ensure a safe and healthy work environment.

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