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More than 74% of all current illegal drug users are employed. (National Drug-Free Workplace Alliance)
“The employer is key to the success of a drug-free workplace policy, as well as the strategies and programs that support that policy. An effective policy is buoyed by a positive workplace culture, which is sustained by employers espousing the policy.” SAMHSA
Drug and alcohol abuse in the workplace causes 65 percent of on-the-job accidents.
50% of all workers’ compensation claims are related to the abuse of alcohol or drugs in the workplace.
(The U.S. Department of Labor)
Up to 40% of employee theft in the workplace is caused by drug abuse.
(U.S. Department of Justice)
To lessen the negative impact in the workplace in terms of safety, productivity and costs, employers can address substance misuse by implementing a workplace substance use/misuse policy, by learning the warning signs of possible Substance Use Disorder and by guiding employees who exhibit such signs to obtain help.
Sources: https://drugabusestatistics.org | https://samhsa.gov | https://www.ndwa.org | https://www.justice.gov